Looks like I seem to have some fundamental gaps in my understanding of how images are represented in numpy arrays.
img = np.ones([100,100,3], dtype=np.uint8)*255
The above code creates a "white" 3 channel image.
Each pixel has the value [255,255,255]
Now I'd like create a "white" gray scale image. I don't really need RGB channels to store a white image, do I?
img_bw = np.ones([100,100], dtype=np.uint8)*255
plt.imshow(img_bw, cmap = "gray")
This creates a "black image" even though value at each pixel location is 255?
Okay, let me just take my earlier 3 channel white image and convert it to grayscale and see what the numpy array looks like.
img_bw1 = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
plt.imshow(img_bw1, cmap = "gray")
This gives me a "black image" as well?
So what exactly does the numpy matrix for a grayscale "white image" look like?
img = io.imread("https://www.colorcombos.com/images/colors/FFFFFF.png" , as_grey=True)
plt.imshow(img*255, cmap = "gray")
This is a white image. Each pixel in this matrix has a value of like 216 and above
plt.imshow(img, cmap = "gray")
This is also a white image. Each pixel in this matrix has a value of 0.86 and above.
I'm totally lost.
Questions -
How do I create a grayscale 2-D white image in numpy?
Why doesn't converting the 3 channel white image in numpy to grayscale using cv2.Color give me a white image?