I'm trying to add a route to an Azure IoT Hub, using Azure CLI, but without success.
az iot hub update --name $IotHubName `
--resource-group $ResourceGroupName `
--add properties.routing.endpoints.eventHubs '{\"connectionString\": \"Endpoint=sb://xyz-eh-ns.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=iothub_send;SharedAccessKey=(removed);EntityPath=iothub-telemetry\", \"name\": \"telemetry-eventhub-endpoint\", \"additionalProperties\": { \"id\": \"1be28790-5281-4de8-992c-022271e8147e\" }, \"subscriptionId\": \"(removed)\", \"resourceGroup\": \"xyz-rg\"}'
The response is "Parameter 'RoutingEventHubProperties.connection_string' can not be None.". I've tried changing the connection string to just random characters, but then I get the error that the connection string is invalid.
What am I doing wrong?