Our current Firestore structure is as follows:
- Currently we are not using any subcollections
- Users have list of companies to which they belong
- Every project is connected only with 1 company
- Project belongs to a company, when in companyId field is written that company UID
My 1st question is how we can specify security rules defined by this database? Is there some best practice approach?
Our first idea was to do this:
match /databases/{database}/documents/projects/{projectUid}/{document=**} {
allow read: if
(/databases/$(database)/documents/projects/$(projectUid)/companyId) ===
But according to the documentation this would mean that we would have for each read basically 3 reads (2 queries for security and 1 real read from DB). This seems like a waste of queries.
Is there a better approach than this? We were thinking about changing to subcollections:
- at the end we would have in root collections 'companies' and 'users' (to store all users details)
- projects would be subcollection of companies
- pages would be subcollection of projects
- ...etc
- and companies would contain list of users (not the other way around like now) - but only list, not user details
This way we can use similar approach as from the doc, where each match would contain {companyId} and in allow statement we would use something like
match /databases/{database}/documents/companies/{companyId}/projects/{projectId} {
allow read: if
Thanks for any recommendations on how to build it in the most scalable and especially most secure way.