
Inside my homestead virtual machine, I ran laravel new test. Now I got a fresh laravel project in my homestead virtual machine.

Then I configured the Homestead.yaml:

- map: ~/work/test # an empty dirctory
  to: /home/vagrant/test

Finally, I ran vagrant reload --provision.

Oops, I found home/vagrant/test is an empty directory now!

It seems vagrant only sync data from Host Machine to Homestead Virtual Machine, and I just want to create a project inside a Homestead Virtual Machine, then sync it to Homestead Virtual Machine.

Is there any way I can achieve that?


1 Answers


/home/vagrant/test is directory which is in your machine and not on your VM

if you want to create project then create in this directory run the following command

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ./

This command will create the project in your current directory after this run

vagrant reload --provision

after provision run

vagrant ssh
cd ~/work/test

now you can see your all the files of newly created project.