I'm relatively new to Laravel. I'm confused on what is the proper way to deploy a Laravel 5.5 app to a Godaddy cPanel shared hosting. I've read multiple posts on the subject and they give conflicting advice.
Part of what I'm not clear on is do I copy all my files to the server and then run the following composer commands?:
composer install --optimize-autoloader
andphp artisan config:cache
I get the part where I should create a folder on the server outside of the public_html folder, placing all of the app files there except what is in the app's public subfolder.
If I want to run the app from a subfolder how would I do that? For example, www.mysite.com/laravelapp
The examples I found where for only running it from the public_html folder itself. Would it just involve changing the file paths in the www/index.php?