Using Redux-form, I'm running into issues with validation.
I would like to access the store for referencing a piece of state in validation.
I have standard redux form export:
function mapStateToProps({address_object}) {
address_object: address_object}
export default reduxForm({
form: 'wizard',
destroyOnUnmount: false,
forceUnregisterOnUnmount: true,
and my validate function:
const validate = (values, props) => {
console.log("DEBUG :",props)
... if / else etc
which lets me gets at the props of the form
however I would like to run validation against something that is stored in state. something like:
if (<something in state> === values.<thing>) {
errors.field = "broken"}
console logging the props that validation receives, I can't get it to see anything in state. I can see the address_object in the WizardFormFirstPage component obviously (so actions and reducers are working fine)
Do I need to declare the validate function inside the component (that's connected with mapStateToProps) in order to access this.props.whatever ?? If thats the case, does it work if I call it from the export reduxForm()??
redux noob - apologies if dumb question