I was wondering if it is correct to say that a model-based recursive partitioning model (mob, package partykit) is of the family of the mixed-effect models.
My point is that a mixed effect model provides different parameters for each random effect and this is also what does a mob model. The main difference I see is that a mob partitions itself the random effects.
Here is an example:
library(partykit); library(lme4)
##### Random data
V1 <- runif(100); V2 <- sample(1:3, 100, replace=T)
V3 <- jitter(ifelse(V2 == 1, 2*V1+3, ifelse(V2==2, -1*V1+2, V1)), amount=.2)
##### Mixed-effect model
me <- lmer(V3 ~ V1 + (1 + V1|V2))
coef(me) #linear model coefficients from the mixel effect model
# (Intercept) V1
#1 2.99960082 1.9794378
#2 1.96874586 -0.8992926
#3 0.01520725 1.0255424
##### MOB
fit <- function(y, x, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL) lm(y ~ x)
mo <- mob(V3 ~ V1|V2, fit=fit) #equivalent to lmtree
coef(mo) #linear model (same) coefficients from the mob
# (Intercept) x(Intercept) xV1
#2 2.99928854 NA 1.9804084
#4 1.97185661 NA -0.9047805
#5 0.01333292 NA 1.0288309