
I'm using JFrog Artifactory as an artifact store to keep private python modules. When our build server pushes a compiled python module to the Artifactory PyPI repository it makes a GET request to another endpoint (to validate that the module was pushed). I can see that the module was stored but the /json endpoint returns a 404 not found. When I try doing this on the public PyPI site I get a metadata document in JSON format.

Is this a feature of PyPI which isn't supported by JFrog? Or is it a problem with my build artifacts? I already tried searching around but couldn't find much information about this.


URL which works on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/{{ packagename }}/json

Example: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/json

URL which gives 404 on Artifactory: https://{{ myorg }}.jfrog.io/{{ myorg }}/api/pypi/{{ myteam }}/{{ packagename }}/json

Thank you


1 Answers


Artifactory only supports the PyPi simple API.
The JSON API is not supported at the moment.