I'm trying to CONCATENATE two cells in order to compare the results so that I can search by them, however the values of the two CONCATENATE outputs are different as one inputs is coming from the another formula.
I'm basically trying to compare the start time and channel number from A and B, with the data from G and H, so that I can update D with the relevant information in F (in the same format as A).
I first convert the EPOC time to human time readable, but when i try and CONCATENATE with the channel number, I get a different value to when i do that with A and B.
formula for c2
formula for i2 =G2/86400000+date(1970,1,1)
formula for k2 =CONCATENATE(G2,H2)
As you can see, the values for c2 and k2 are different event though a2 and i2 are the same (looking).
I've tried using CELL, INDEX, and INDIRECT but just can't seem to get it right, and I've tried various formatting options
Hopefully i've explained this right. Any solution welcome
raw data csv here START ,CHANNEL,concat,end?,,EndDateTime epoc,startDateTime epoc,channel,converted start,converted end,concat
12:58:00 AM,10,,,,1520391600000,1520382480000,7,,,
12:28:00 AM,7,,,,1520395200000,1520384280000,10,,,