
I have created the following configuration (I duplicated the @Lazy because I was not able to make it work)

public class ElasticConfiguration
   private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElasticConfiguration.class);

   private String esHost;

   private int esPort;

   private String esClusterName;

   public Client client() throws Exception
      Builder builder = Settings.builder();
      // builder.put("client.transport.sniff", true);
      Settings settings = builder.put("cluster.name", esClusterName).build();
      TransportClient client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings);
      InetAddress adress = InetAddress.getByName(esHost);
      client.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(adress, esPort));
         "ES Client built with cluster.name;" + esClusterName + ";host;" + esHost + ";port;" + esPort + ";client.transport.sniff;"
            + builder.get("client.transport.sniff"));
      return client;

   public ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchTemplate() throws Exception
      return new ElasticsearchTemplate(client());

I am not able to have the lazy initialization because it seems my configuration is overriden by spring-boot auto configuration

Overriding bean definition for bean 'elasticsearchTemplate' with a different definition: replacing [Root bean: class [null]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=true; autowireMode=3; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=elasticConfiguration; factoryMethodName=elasticsearchTemplate; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=(inferred); defined in class path resource [xxx/xxx/ElasticConfiguration.class]] with [Root bean: class [null]; scope=; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=3; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration; factoryMethodName=elasticsearchTemplate; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=(inferred); defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/data/elasticsearch/ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration.class]]

I also tried to add the following annotation on the class


in association with the following property, but it did not work better


What should I do ?


1 Answers


Ok so the only solution I found was to use the following property


Note that using the folling annotation did not work for me ...



In fact my problem was that my method elasticsearchTemplate() was returning ElasticsearchOperations instead of ElasticsearchTemplate.

When changing the signature the @Lazy annotation seems to work.