
So, i have a k8s cluster running on AWS, provisioned using kops. I have created a secret locally, using kubectl:

    kubectl create secret generic aws-es --from-file=./aws_key.txt --from-file=./aws_secret_key.txt

My service.yml has this env:

    - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
            name: aws-es
            key: aws_key

And when i update the service in the cluster with:

    kubectl apply -f service.yml

I get the error running pod:

     Error: secrets "aws-es" not found
     Error syncing pod 

Obviously, my kops installation cannot see the locally created secret, is there a way for me to propagate that secret to kops' s3 storage?

Which namespace did you create your PODS in?hdhruna
Would be good to add to the question the output of kubectl get secretsJonah Benton
@HiteshDhruna yeah, the issue was that i set secrets in default namespace, and i was working on pods for kube-system, fixed it.dgmt

2 Answers


Fixed it. The problem was i created secrets in default namespace, while my pods were running in kube-system namespace.


Creating the secret in the same namespace as the deployment fixed this issue for me as well.

Error: secrets "xxx" not found