
In short I am looking for how to configure or add feature to my custom skill so Alexa can answer on behalf of my my skill.

Details of my question,
Let's say I have written a custom skill and sometimes a user may ask a simple question which I haven't handled in my skill since it is more expected to be asked directly to Alexa.

Example -
In case of a smart mirror - SmartMirror tell me the time. I am not handling intents of those kind ( time, date etc. ) so it will be more sensible if instead of answering I do not understand that, the custom skill can forward it to Alexa and get an answer from Alexa if available.

Please let me know if you require more details.

That seems like something Amazon would not allow, as a matter of policy, since it would blur the distinction between Alexa and your skill.Michael - sqlbot

1 Answers


It's not possible to do this yet, there's simple no way (no API or functionality) to do it. This is a common issue with skills doing sound output or telling stories where the user asks to modify the volume while in a session with the skill. When that happens these skills have to tell the user that they need to do that from outside the skill (exit the skill first)!