
I am writing a code using JSF + Bootsfaces + Xhtml. When I try to include <b:form href="#"> in my code, I get the following error:

javax.faces.view.facelets.TagException: /Internal_Pages/GoogleSearch.xhtml @43,21 Tag Library supports namespace: http://bootsfaces.net/ui, but no tag was defined for name: form

On Bootsfaces' website, the usage is shown like this as It doesn't seem lot different than mine;

  <b:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{settingsBean.checkbox1}" caption="checkbox 1" label="Please decide" />

Can someone explain how to can solve it please? By the way tags like <b:inputText works without giving error.

Generally it means that you try to use a component that doesn't exist (in your case form). What is the bootfaces version you are using?Alex Fire
First of all, thanks for your help. I see my bootsfaces version as 0.6.0 in my pom.xml file.KontrCode
Always always always post version info and always always always try latest version info before postingKukeltje
Will make sure to do that next time.KontrCode

1 Answers


form component exists since 1.0, so you have to update the version or you can not use it.