I'm having some problems with grouping and running totals in crystal reports, I've found loads of info whilst googling but I'm looking a bit more info. Currently I have 3 tables, jobs, times and costs, I have a running total to calculate the value of the time.hours and another for the costs.amount. The issue I'm having is that the costs are being multiplied by the amount of time.hours records that exist. so if a job has 3 time.hours records and there is only one record of costs.amount that cost is being multiplied by that about of records So what i end up with is this
Job Hours Costs
123 5 0
123 4 100
123 3 0
12 100
which is exactly right, now if i add another running total without resetting then my total ends up as
12 300
I think this is happening because of the way i have them grouped but im not sure how to make them group to only job.ID