SCDF Server for Cloudfoundry: 1.2.4.RELEASE
Configuring the security properties for LDAP authentication, and I have the authentication part working, but authorization is proving a little strange.
SCDF's security implementation appears to be looking for some roles like this:
But for me, the standard group names require some specific naming convention in AD similar to the following: app_myapplication_authz_CREATE, app_myapplication_authz_MANAGE, and app_myapplication_authz_VIEW
When I debug through the SCDF authentication output, I can see that my authenticated principal's group memberships are being retrieved correctly. They show up in the DEBUG output as: ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_CREATE, ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_MANAGE, ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_VIEW
Now, I include a YML security configuration that looks like this:
enabled: true
- GET /metrics/streams => hasRole('ROLE_APP_MYAPPLICATION_AUTHZ_VIEW')
- etc, etc, etc
And so on, for all the endpoint authorizations.
However, I'm still receiving a message after successful authentication that I don't have the appropriate roles and I need to talk to my administrator.
What am I misconfiguring, or what am I missing in this setup?
I downloaded the source code for the 1.2.1.RELEASE version of the spring cloud dataflow ui from here: GitHub spring-cloud-dataflow-ui
And discovered that in all the .html view files, the role names are hard-coded for ROLE_VIEW, ROLE_CREATE, ROLE_MANAGE
. Thus, it looks like my configuration will allow me to customize the authorization on the REST endpoints based on my LDAP group names, but I will not be able to do the same with the actual UI views. I think I have one option here, which would be to build/generate my own custom version of the UI, and bundle that with the spring-cloud-dataflow-server JAR instead of using the OOTB ui.
I'll have to weigh whether I really want to do that.