I have a Wix Bundle Bootstrapper installing 2 MSI files. If I use the bootstrapper, the "Add/Remove Programs" list only contains the entry of the boostrapper.
If I use the MSI files separately, I get two separate entries in this list, one for each MSI file.
What's the officially documented way how the entries in the "Add/Remove Programs" list in Control Panel are built?
Specifically, they tell us -
Configuring Add/Remove Programs with Windows Installer
You can supply all of the information needed to configure Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel by setting the values of certain installer properties in your application's Windows Installer package. Setting these properties automatically writes the corresponding values into the registry. (...)
and they also tell us about the
Uninstall Registry Key
The following installer properties give the values written under the registry key:
The values are stored in a subkey identified by the application's product code GUID.
But it's not obvious whether having an entry here is sufficient, and what subkey or value entries are required.