
Given a list of paths(with start and end coordinates) that are only horizontal and vertical, how can I find all the rectangles that they form?


  • The end points of the rectangle must be end-points of their constituent edges. i.e rectangles formed from the intersections of lines are not needed.
  • The x,y of start and end, represented as complex numbers of each line is given.
  • The output should be four lines representing each edge of the rectangle

This is my naive implementation which is too slow. Are there any other approaches?

def find_rectangles(paths):
    vertical_paths = filter(lambda path: is_vertical(path), paths)
    horizontal_paths = filter(lambda path: is_horizontal(path), paths)

    vertical_paths.sort(key=lambda path: path.start.imag, reverse=True)
    horizontal_paths.sort(key=lambda path: path.start.real)

    h_pairs = []
    for i in range(0, len(horizontal_paths) - 1):
        for j in range(1, len(horizontal_paths)):
            if horizontal_paths[i].start.real == horizontal_paths[j].start.real and horizontal_paths[i].end.real == horizontal_paths[j].end.real:
                h_pairs.append((horizontal_paths[i], horizontal_paths[j]))

    v_pairs = []
    for i in range(0, len(vertical_paths) - 1):
        for j in range(1, len(vertical_paths)):
            if vertical_paths[i].start.imag == vertical_paths[j].start.imag and vertical_paths[i].end.imag == vertical_paths[j].end.imag:
                v_pairs.append((vertical_paths[i], vertical_paths[j]))

    rects = []
    for h1, h2 in h_pairs:
        for v1, v2 in v_pairs:
            if h1.start == v1.start and v1.end == h2.start and h1.end == v2.start and h2.end == v2.end:
                rects.append(Rect(h1.start, h1.end, h2.end, h2.start))

    return rects

Edit:(Improvements from all suggestions)

Main difference is I am storing all horizontal edges' end-points in a set so look up for them is O(1):

def find_rectangles(paths):
    vertical_paths = [path for path in paths if is_vertical(path)]
    horizontal_paths_set = set([(path.start, path.end) for path in paths if is_horizontal(path)])

    vertical_paths.sort(key=lambda pair: path.start.imag, reverse=True)

    v_pairs = [pair for pair in list(itertools.combinations(vertical_paths, 2)) if pair[0].start.imag == pair[1].start.imag and pair[0].end.imag == pair[1].end.imag]

    rects = []
    for v1,v2 in v_pairs:
        h1 = (v1.start, v2.start)
        h2 = (v1.end, v2.end)

        if(h1 in horizontal_paths_set and h2 in horizontal_paths_set):
            rects.append(Rect(h1[0], h1[1], h2[1], h2[0 ]))

    return rects

My new code runs much much faster, but it still is on the order of O(n2). Any suggestion to improve upon it is welcome.

You need to replace the for loops with boolean indexing in Numpy: docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/user/basics.indexing.htmlJoe
Basically everywhere you use == within a for loop can be replaced by boolean indexing to filter the results.Joe
I would also use list comprehensions instead of filter. Something like vertical_paths = [path for path in paths if is_vertical(path)].Mike Borkland
What do you mean by "the rectangles they form" ? And are we deemed to reverse-engineer your algorithm ?Yves Daoust
@YvesDaoust I have added more details.Veneet Reddy

1 Answers


You can drop the search for v_pairs to begin with. You only need to know if the potential rectangle (a horizontal pair) can be closed.

def find_rectangles(paths):
    vertical_paths = filter(lambda path: is_vertical(path), paths)
    horizontal_paths = filter(lambda path: is_horizontal(path), paths)

    vertical_paths.sort(key=lambda path: path.start.imag, reverse=True)
    horizontal_paths.sort(key=lambda path: path.start.real)

    potential_rectangles = []
    for i,h1 in enumerate(horizontal_paths[:-1]):
        for h2 in horizontal_paths[i+1:]:
            if ((h1.start.real == h2.start.real) 
                    and (h1.end.real == h2.end.real)):

    rectangles = []
    for v in vertical_paths:
        for i,(h1,h2,v1,v2) in enumerate(potential_rectangles):
            if v1 is None and v.start == h1.start and v.end == h2.start:
                potential_rectangles[i][2] = v
                if v2 is not None:
            if v2 is None and v.start == h1.end and v.end == h2.end:
                potential_rectangles[i][3] = v
                if v1 is not None:

    return rectangles

There certainly is a lot of potential to speed up the selection, dependent on the data received. For instance, sorting paths by length. Can you give more details?

After Edit Bisect is a lot faster than 'is in', but it requires an ordered list of scalar values.