I have PayPal Website Payments Standard configured in my site. User can subscribe the membership with Paypal Recurring. I have adde API to cancel the subscription using "ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus". But it returns the error "The profile ID is invalid".
But the Profile ID in the API call is same as the Profile id in the Paypal . ID is like S-79440077XXXXXXXXX.
API Call
USER=%USERNAME% &PWD=%PASSWORD% &SIGNATURE=%SIGNATURE% &VERSION=76.0 &METHOD=ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus &PROFILEID=S-79440077XXXXXXXXX &ACTION=Cancel &NOTE=Profile+cancelled+at+store
TIMESTAMP=2018-03-01 T06:59:10Z &CORRELATIONID=b445f660c29d8 &ACK=Failure &VERSION=76.0 &BUILD=39949200 &L_ERRORCODE0=11552 &L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Invalid profile ID &L_LONGMESSAGE0=The profile ID is invalid &L_SEVERITYCODE0=Error
Please help to resolve the issue. Thank you!