
can one slot depend on another slots result

lets say I have an intent "illness" and utterances "I was sick"

first slot asks "are you ok now?" second slot based on first slots result should behave differently

for example

-I was sick (user)

-are you ok now? (bot)

1 scenario
-yes (user)

-nice, lets do some workout (bot)

2 scenario.
-No (user)

-Sorry to hear you're not feeling better, are you going to do today's workout? (bot)

-No (user)

-Okay, but don't put it off too long!(bot)

How to make nested slots? Is it possible at all? Does aws lex good for such apps?

The logic handling of building responses based on what the user says is exactly what Lex is good for. But you need to use a Lambda Function and write the code for handling it yourself. docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/gs2-prepare.htmlJay A. Little

1 Answers


From the information here, I understand you want to create follow-up questions. This cannot be done using the general functionalities of Lex, but you can create a AWS Lambda function for fulfilment. Create slots for every question you want to ask and constantly return "ElicitSlot" action to simulate follow-up questions. I agree, AWS Lex is not the best framework for this conversational model, but it can be modified by using it alongside Lambda.