
How can I embed a drop down for column header in the ag-Grid using Angular?

If I have an employee grid with a a "type" column. The employee type has two options: permanent and contract. I need a dropdown for this in the column header.

you can write your own header component. See this link - ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-header-renderingkoolhuman
Thanks..i am able show drop down at column header but how can i apply filter like if i select full time show result of full time recordshyd_33

1 Answers


You need to implement custom filter component for that.

Take a look at this live example: Plunk ag-grid custom filter component

Check EmployeeType column in the Plunk.

  1. Implement IFilterAngularComp
  2. Implement required methods for this. i.e. getModel, setModel, doesFilterPass, isFilterActive, etc
  3. Provide this component as filter component for the column definition.

Below is the code for the filter component

    selector: 'filter-cell',
    template: `
        <div class="container">
            EmployeeType Filter: 
            <select (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" [ngModel]="type" class="form-control">
              <option value=""></option>
              <option value="Permanent">Permanent</option>
              <option value="Contractor">Contractor</option>
    , styles: [.....]
export class RecordTypeFilter implements IFilterAngularComp {
    private params: IFilterParams;
    private valueGetter: (rowNode: RowNode) => any;

    @ViewChild('select', {read: ViewContainerRef}) public select;

    agInit(params: IFilterParams): void {
        this.params = params;
        this.valueGetter = params.valueGetter;

    isFilterActive(): boolean {
        return this.type !== null && this.type !== undefined && this.type !== '';

    doesFilterPass(params: IDoesFilterPassParams): boolean {
        return this.type.toLowerCase()
            .split(" ")
            .every((filterWord) => {
                return this.valueGetter(params.node).toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterWord) >= 0;

    getModel(): any {
        return {value: this.text};

    setModel(model: any): void {
        this.type = model ? model.value : '';

    ngAfterViewInit(params: IAfterGuiAttachedParams): void {
        setTimeout(() => {

    // noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic
    componentMethod(message: string): void {
        alert(`Alert from RecordTypeFilterComponent ${message}`);

    onChange(newValue): void {
        if (this.type !== newValue) {
            this.type = newValue;