I am trying to build an expense dashboard in google sheets for my personal use.
I have data that I will pull from my receipts like so:
First sheet: "Expenses Feb 18"
| Item | Amount | Type |
| Tomatoes | 2.39 | veggie |
| Joghurt | 1.45 | dairy |
| mozzarella | 1.99 | dairy |
| macadamia | 4.59 | nuts |
Second table: "Categories"
| dairy | veggie | nuts | uncategorised |
| joghurt | tomatoes | macadamia | a |
| mozzarella | cucumber | pecan | b |
| feta | | | c |
| | | | d-z |
| | | | 0-9 |
| | | | - |
| | | | _ |
I want to automatically fill out the type column based on the item name.
So far I have a regex that is able to match an item. It will print the matched string. But what I need is the column name (header). And it has to be able to loop through the columns. This only works for a single column.
=REGEXEXTRACT(C11, JOIN("|", INDIRECT("Categories!A1:A"&COUNTA(Categories!A:A))))