
Following this question : Microsoft Graph API mail office 365: Is any option create inbox message NOT as Draft?

I want to convert from EWS to Graph API ,

in EWS it is under the section below:


How can I change/ modify mail message flags with REST ?

I saw in beta version is possible somehow...

Part of the REST is here:


Any suggestions please ?

The flag in the documentation of Graph REST API that you mention are about email flags for follow-up, the ones that you can see in Outlook UI. As already discussed in your other question, those EWS flags are not mentioned in Graph API documentation.Nicolas R
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Since you're new here, I recommend reading "How do I ask a good question?" for some tips. Your question is lacking sufficient detail. It isn't clear what your scenario is or how you doing it today with EWS.Marc LaFleur
it stuck all our convert.....Maybe I'll wait for @David Sterling - MSFT answerVitalyT

2 Answers


@Nicolas is correct. Check out Microsoft Graph API mail office 365: Is any option create inbox message NOT as Draft?

In there there is a link to an MSDN article that explains each of the flags, their integer values, etc...


It's important to remember that while the graph API (for Exchange related foo) looks a lot different than EWS, they actually share a bunch of the same logic underneath and ultimately talk to the exchange Store underneath. What this means is that all of the MAPI goodness (proptags, named props, etc...) can be accessed through the graph API via extended props. Funny bit of trivia - currently the REST API on the server side when it deals with extended props converts them into the EWS internal representation of extended props and calls the server side EWS business logic (in proc) to process them. So not only is it similar, it is exactly the same :)