
Can I specify a Random and a Fixed Effects model on Panel Data using ?

I am redoing Example 14.4 from Wooldridge (2013, p. 494-5) in . Thanks to this site and this blog post I've manged to do it in the package, but I'm curious if I can do the same in the package?

Here's what I've done in the package. Would be grateful for any pointers as to how I can do the same using . First, packages needed and loading of data,

# install.packages(c("wooldridge", "plm", "stargazer"), dependencies = TRUE)

Second, I estimate the three models estimated in Example 14.4 (Wooldridge 2013) using the package,

Pooled.ols <- plm(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper+I(exper^2)+ married + union +
                  factor(year), data = wagepan, index=c("nr","year") , model="pooling")

random.effects <- plm(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper + I(exper^2) + married + union +
                      factor(year), data = wagepan, index = c("nr","year") , model = "random") 

fixed.effects <- plm(lwage ~ I(exper^2) + married + union + factor(year), 
                     data = wagepan, index = c("nr","year"), model="within")

Third, I output the resultants using to emulate Table 14.2 in Wooldridge (2013),

stargazer::stargazer(Pooled.ols,random.effects,fixed.effects, type="text",
           column.labels=c("OLS (pooled)","Random Effects","Fixed Effects"), 
          dep.var.labels = c("log(wage)"), keep.stat=c("n"),
          keep=c("edu","bla","his","exp","marr","union"), align = TRUE, digits = 4)
#> ======================================================
#>                         Dependent variable:           
#>              -----------------------------------------
#>                              log(wage)                
#>              OLS (pooled) Random Effects Fixed Effects
#>                  (1)           (2)            (3)     
#> ------------------------------------------------------
#> educ          0.0913***     0.0919***                 
#>                (0.0052)      (0.0107)                 
#> black         -0.1392***    -0.1394***                
#>                (0.0236)      (0.0477)                 
#> hisp            0.0160        0.0217                  
#>                (0.0208)      (0.0426)                 
#> exper         0.0672***     0.1058***                 
#>                (0.0137)      (0.0154)                 
#> I(exper2)     -0.0024***    -0.0047***    -0.0052***  
#>                (0.0008)      (0.0007)      (0.0007)   
#> married       0.1083***     0.0640***      0.0467**   
#>                (0.0157)      (0.0168)      (0.0183)   
#> union         0.1825***     0.1061***      0.0800***  
#>                (0.0172)      (0.0179)      (0.0193)   
#> ------------------------------------------------------
#> Observations    4,360         4,360          4,360    
#> ======================================================
#> Note:                      *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

is there an equally simple way to do this in ? Should I stick to ? Why/Why not?

Wouldn't this be more suited for Cross Validated?Jaap
@Jaap, thank you for your comment. I see it as a mainly programmers question, and not really a statistical/Cross Validated question. But I'm happy to move it if you think if belongs in CV.Eric Fail
Please note that lme4 is about the maximum likely framework, so it won't be the "same": plm's vignette ch. 7 has some comparison to pkg nlme which is similar to lme4 and you should be able to take it from there.Helix123
@Helix123, thank you for your comment. I will look into that.Eric Fail

1 Answers


Excepted for the difference in estimation method it seems indeed to be mainly a question of vocabulary and syntax

# install.packages(c("wooldridge", "plm", "stargazer", "lme4"), dependencies = TRUE)
#> Le chargement a nécessité le package : Formula
#> Le chargement a nécessité le package : Matrix

Your first example is a simple linear model ignoring the groups nr.
You can't do that with lme4 because there is no "random effect" (in the lme4 sense).
This is what Gelman & Hill call a complete pooling approach.

Pooled.ols <- plm(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper+I(exper^2)+ married + 
                      union + factor(year), data = wagepan, 
                  index=c("nr","year"), model="pooling")

Pooled.ols.lm <- lm(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper+I(exper^2)+ married + union +
                      factor(year), data = wagepan)

Your second example seems to be equivalent to a random intercept mixed model with nr as random effect (but the slopes of all predictors are fixed).
This is what Gelman & Hill call a partial pooling approach.

random.effects <- plm(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper + I(exper^2) + married + 
                          union + factor(year), data = wagepan, 
                      index = c("nr","year") , model = "random") 

random.effects.lme4 <- lmer(lwage ~ educ + black + hisp + exper + I(exper^2) + married + 
                                union + factor(year) + (1|nr), data = wagepan) 

Your third example seems to correspond to a case were nr is a fixed effect and you compute a different nr intercept for each group.
Again : you can't do that with lme4 because there is no "random effect" (in the lme4 sense).
This is what Gelman & Hill call a "no pooling" approach.

fixed.effects <- plm(lwage ~ I(exper^2) + married + union + factor(year), 
                     data = wagepan, index = c("nr","year"), model="within")

wagepan$nr <- factor(wagepan$nr)
fixed.effects.lm <- lm(lwage ~  I(exper^2) + married + union + factor(year) + nr, 
                     data = wagepan)

Compare the results :

stargazer::stargazer(Pooled.ols, Pooled.ols.lm, 
                     random.effects, random.effects.lme4 , 
                     fixed.effects, fixed.effects.lm,
                     column.labels=c("OLS (pooled)", "lm no pool.",
                                     "Random Effects", "lme4 partial pool.", 
                                     "Fixed Effects", "lm compl. pool."), 
                     dep.var.labels = c("log(wage)"), 
                     align = TRUE, digits = 4)
#> =====================================================================================================
#>                                                Dependent variable:                                   
#>              ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>                                                     log(wage)                                        
#>                 panel         OLS         panel            linear           panel           OLS      
#>                 linear                    linear       mixed-effects       linear                    
#>              OLS (pooled) lm no pool. Random Effects lme4 partial pool. Fixed Effects lm compl. pool.
#>                  (1)          (2)          (3)              (4)              (5)            (6)      
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> educ          0.0913***    0.0913***    0.0919***        0.0919***                                   
#>                (0.0052)    (0.0052)      (0.0107)         (0.0108)                                   
#> black         -0.1392***  -0.1392***    -0.1394***       -0.1394***                                  
#>                (0.0236)    (0.0236)      (0.0477)         (0.0485)                                   
#> hisp            0.0160      0.0160        0.0217           0.0218                                    
#>                (0.0208)    (0.0208)      (0.0426)         (0.0433)                                   
#> exper         0.0672***    0.0672***    0.1058***        0.1060***                                   
#>                (0.0137)    (0.0137)      (0.0154)         (0.0155)                                   
#> I(exper2)     -0.0024***  -0.0024***    -0.0047***       -0.0047***      -0.0052***     -0.0052***   
#>                (0.0008)    (0.0008)      (0.0007)         (0.0007)        (0.0007)       (0.0007)    
#> married       0.1083***    0.1083***    0.0640***        0.0635***        0.0467**       0.0467**    
#>                (0.0157)    (0.0157)      (0.0168)         (0.0168)        (0.0183)       (0.0183)    
#> union         0.1825***    0.1825***    0.1061***        0.1053***        0.0800***      0.0800***   
#>                (0.0172)    (0.0172)      (0.0179)         (0.0179)        (0.0193)       (0.0193)    
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Observations    4,360        4,360        4,360            4,360            4,360          4,360     
#> =====================================================================================================
#> Note:                                                                     *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Gelman A, Hill J (2007) Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cambridge University Press (a very very good book !)

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