
I created react-native project using create-react-native-app. In this I am importing Permissions module from expo,

import {Permissions} from "expo"; 

Later I realised that expo doesn't fullfill all my requirements (like social sharing etc), so I decided to eject the expo project. I ran following command to do so

"npm run eject"

After detaching, I installed expo as my project dependency to resolve imported Permissions module from expo.

"npm install expo" 

Now when I run "npm run ios", I get this big error in my ios simulator.

enter image description here

Leads here is appreciated.


I believe you should now be using ExpoKitMattyK14
why is this needed?Lokesh Agrawal
Cant I simply eject using npm run eject and use expo as dependency? And then run "npm run ios" to start simulator?Lokesh Agrawal
I'm not very familiar with detaching from Expo, or that familiar with Expo to be honest just plain react-native development. But I believe when you eject from Expo you're now working with ExpoKit.MattyK14
Based on this comment I think I'm right.MattyK14

1 Answers


Once you eject you're now using ExpoKit & no longer using the Expo sdk. The docs can be found here, here & here.