I have a Lucene index of document, all nearly identical (test 1, test 2, etc.) except that some have a higher boost than others. When using a default query (MatchAllDocsQuery OR .Parse(":") on the query parser) the documents come back in the order they went in every time. By adding a search term ("test" in this case), the document boost is apparent and the documents are sorted according to the boost. I can change the boost levels around and the new order is reflected in the results. All my code is pretty standard fair, I'm using a default Sort() is both cases.
I found that this same bug was reported and fixed in Lucene back in 2005-2006, and I checked my MatchAllDocsQuery.cs file (Lucene .NET 2.9.2) and it seems to have this change present, but the behavior is as described in the ticket above.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Perhaps someone running the Java version has experienced this (or not)? Thanks.