I have a FactLosses Table, and a DimAccumulation table. I have brought them into PowerBi and I have placed a slicer to choose which accumulation zones i am interested in.
Once the user has selected the zones, i want to perform a group by year on the losses and sum the losses into year buckets. But only on the data that applies to the zones the user picked.
I am using the following DAX code to do the group by like so...
Table = SUMMARIZECOLUMNS(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Year], "Losses By Year", SUM(FactForwardLookingAccumulation[Net Loss Our Share Usd]))
The problem is the new table always produces the same result. i.e When i make changes to which accumulation perils should be included it makes no difference to the summation. (it is summing the entire table)
I'd like to use the slicer to filter the fact table and then have the DAX query run on the filtered list. Is this possible?