I have a tabbed panel from the core controls and inside it is an <xp:inputText>
which has a hook for some jQuery used to limit the field length. It works great if I have this tab on the screen when I change the page to edit mode. If however I am not on that tab and switch to edit mode and THEN change to the tab I want, it does not work.
I assume it's because these controls did not exist when jQuery fired up. Anyone know a way to have jQuery refresh itself to pick up the new DOM additions that weren't there on initial load?
This is the code that exists higher on the page :
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
alwaysShow: true,
threshold: 10,
warningClass: "label label-success",
limitReachedClass: "label label-danger"
The field is this :
<xp:inputText id="inputText2"
<xp:attr name="maxlength" loaded="true" value="75"></xp:attr>
Again, the code works, as it finds fields that already exists. This question is about in XPages when you do a partial refresh and an <xp:inputText>
appears, how do you get jQuery to see it?