
I am handling a SAS dataset with little observations and I need to put on relation a variable with its lag.

By doing this, I lose a record resulting in a missing values.

Do some of you know how SAS Base handles such items in the procedures as PROC REG or PROC CORR?

Thanks you all in advance.

Why not test it yourself? Take a small sample dataset, insert some missing values and see how the output changes.user667489
Hi @user667489! Because the mine one is a general question, not on a specific PROC. The question is about how SAS handles missing values generally.Quant.Pi
You will need to refer to the documentation for each proc that you are interested in. This is a very broad question.user667489

1 Answers


It depends a bit on what exactly you're doing. Based on your references to PROC REG and CORR - it excludes the missing values - listwise. This means if any value is missing in a row that is being used or referenced in the PROC it will be excluded.


PROC CORR has several options that allow you to specify how it handles the missing values. The NOMISS option tells SAS to use only complete cases.
