
I have my own Actor that subscribe to Akka logs using configuration

loggers = ["path.MyActor"]

MyActor Receiving the log events, but I would like to stop receiving them in run time. Is there way to do that? (etc by getting the event bus of Akka logs)


1 Answers


You could call system.eventStream to unsubscribe MyActor. For example:

import akka.event.Logging._

case object UnsubscribeFromLogging

class MyActor extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case InitializeLogger(_)                        => sender() ! LoggerInitialized
    case Error(cause, logSource, logClass, message) => // ...
    case Warning(logSource, logClass, message)      => // ...
    case Info(logSource, logClass, message)         => // ...
    case Debug(logSource, logClass, message)        => // ...

    case UnsubscribeFromLogging => context.system.eventStream.unsubscribe(self)

The above example uses a custom UnsubscribeFromLogging message:

val myActor: ActorRef = ??? // reference to MyActor
myActor ! UnsubscribeFromLogging

You could pass the reference to MyActor to the unsubscribe method from another actor:

val myActor: ActorRef = ??? // reference to MyActor

Either way, you need a reference to MyActor. You can obtain this by determining MyActor's path (for example, have MyActor print self.path) and passing this path to context.actorSelection.