When I do
adb devices -l
I could see my Oneplus in the list.
Doing ionic cordova run android doesn’t open my app on my phone.
I also tried doing ionic cordova --device=<device_address>
but that didn’t work also.
I also noticed that doing ionic cordova build android didn’t make an apk that I could copy and past over to my device so that I could manually install it.
Tried ionic cordova emulate android that also didn’t work,
Here's a result when running ionic cordova run android --device
ionic cordova run android --device
Running app-scripts build: --platform android --target cordova
[11:48:13] build dev started ...
[11:48:14] clean started ...
[11:48:14] clean finished in 35 ms
[11:48:14] copy started ...
[11:48:14] deeplinks started ...
[11:48:14] deeplinks finished in 517 ms
[11:48:14] transpile started ...
[11:48:44] transpile finished in 29.49 s
[11:48:44] preprocess started ...
[11:48:44] preprocess finished in 6 ms
[11:48:44] webpack started ...
[11:48:44] copy finished in 30.59 s
[11:49:06] webpack finished in 22.04 s
[11:49:06] sass started ...
Without `from` option PostCSS could generate wrong source map and will not find Browserslist config. Set it to CSS file path or to `undefined` to prevent this warning.
[11:49:09] sass finished in 2.65 s
[11:49:09] postprocess started ...
[11:49:09] postprocess finished in 61 ms
[11:49:09] lint started ...
[11:49:09] build dev finished in 55.30 s
> cordova run android --device
Android Studio project detected
[OK] Your app has been deployed.
Did you know you can live-reload changes from your app with --livereload?
[11:49:23] lint finished in 14.23 s
I also tried adding the --livereload
flag and entered the External URL on my Chrome App. I was getting these messages when visiting the url:
Result on Terminal:
Development server running!
Local: http://localhost:8100
Any idea on how to get this running?