Hello I created a codepipeline project with the following configuration:
- Source Code in S3 pulled from Bitbucket.
- Build with CodeBuild, generating an docker image and storing it into a Amazon ECS repository.
- Deployment provider Amazon ECS.
All the process works ok until when it tries to deploy, for some reason I am getting the following error during deployment:
Insufficient permissions Unable to access the artifact with Amazon S3 object key 'FailedScanSubscriber/MyAppBuild/Wmu5kFy' located in the Amazon S3 artifact bucket 'codepipeline-us-west-2-913731893217'. The provided role does not have sufficient permissions.
During the building phase, it is even able to create a new docker image in the ECS repository.
I tried everything, changed IAM roles and policies, add full access to S3, I have even setted the S3 bucket as public, nothing worked. I am without options, if someone could help me that would be wonderful, I have poor experience with AWS, so any help is appreciated.