In other words, I'm trying to figure out what is the Firestore equivalent to this in SQL:
UPDATE table SET field = 'foo' WHERE <condition>`
Yes, I am asking how to update multiple documents, at once, but unlike the linked questions, I'm specifically asking how to do this in one shot, without reading anything into memory, because there's no need to do so when all you want is to set a flag on all documents matching a condition.
field: 'foo',
is what I expected to work, CollectionReference doesn't have an .update
The Transactions and Batched Writes documentation mentions transactions and batched writes. Transactions are out because "A transaction consists of any number of get() operations followed by any number of write operations" Batched writes are also not a solution because they work document-by-document.
With MongoDB, this would be
{ /* where clause */ },
{ $set: { field: 'foo' } }
So, can Firestore update multiple documents with one query, the way SQL database or MongoDB work, i.e. without requiring a round-trip to the client for each document? If not, how can this be done efficiently?