
i use a macro to lock a Dataset:

%macro lockTab(member=APP_DATABASE,timeout=30,retry=500);
  %global LOCK_&member;
  %let LOCK_&member = ;
  %local starttime;
  %let starttime = %sysfunc(datetime());
  %put try to lock &member.: &starttime;
  %do %until (&syslckrc = 0
       or %sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime()) > (&starttime + &timeout)));
      lock APPLIB.&member.;
      %put syslckrc=&syslckrc;
      %if &syslckrc > 0 %then %let rc=%sysfunc(sleep(&retry.));
  %let endtime = %sysfunc(datetime());
  %put end of try to lock &member.: &endtime;
  %if &syslckrc <= 0 %then %do;
      %let LOCK_&member = LOCK;
  %else %do;
    %let _appRetcode = 12;
    %let _appErrtext = Database is locked.;
    %put ende Locktab: appretcode: &_appRetcode;
    %put ende Locktab: syslckrc: &syslckrc;

This is my code using the macro (_appRetcode is a global variable), macro spinner is just a datastep to Show a loading spinner on the web page. Then lock the dataset and put out _appRetcode which is set in lockTab. %debug prints out all macro variables with scope.



%put EYECATCHER &_appRetcode;

%debug(DUMP Variablen nach LOCKTAB)

and this is my SASlog:

NOTE: 1 record was written to the file _WEBOUT.
      The minimum record length was 42.
      The maximum record length was 42.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable _APPRETCODE resolves to 0
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable MEMBER resolves to APP_DATABASE
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable MEMBER resolves to APP_DATABASE
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable MEMBER resolves to APP_DATABASE
                                                                                          The SAS System

SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable STARTTIME resolves to 1834989255.00056
try to lock APP_DATABASE: 1834989255.00056
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable MEMBER resolves to APP_DATABASE
ERROR: A lock is not available for APPLIB.APP_DATABASE.DATA.
ERROR: Lock held by process 1360575.
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable SYSLCKRC resolves to 70031
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable SYSLCKRC resolves to 70031
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable RETRY resolves to 500
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable SYSLCKRC resolves to 70031
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable STARTTIME resolves to 1834989255.00056
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable TIMEOUT resolves to 30
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable MEMBER resolves to APP_DATABASE
ERROR: A lock is not available for APPLIB.APP_DATABASE.DATA.
ERROR: Lock held by process 1360575.
end of try to lock APP_DATABASE: 1834989285.01467
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable SYSLCKRC resolves to 70031
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable _APPRETCODE resolves to 12
ende Locktab: appretcode: 12
                                                                                          The SAS System

SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable SYSLCKRC resolves to 70031
ende Locktab: syslckrc: 70031

Why is EYECATCHER printed out before the Output of my macro?

I expected first output of macro lockTab, and then "EYECATCHER 12". ?????

%debug gives: (scope/variable/value) GLOBAL / _APPRETCODE / 12


3 Answers


I think the issue has to do with the parser deciding when a macro invocation has ended. If a macro is defined with parameters (even a null list of parameters), then the macro call does not end at white space. It ends at the closing parenthesis. It will also end at a SAS language token (including a SAS language semicolon), or another macro invocation.

That is why something ugly like below will work:

%macro doit (x=) ;
  %put &=x  ;
%mend doit;
%doit     (x=3)

Changing @Allan's example, if demo1 and demo2 are defined without parameters, the code works, because the invocation of demo1 and demo3 will be triggered by white space.

358  %macro demo1; %put 1 first; %mend;
359  %macro demo3; %put 3 third; %mend;
360  %macro x;
361    %demo1
362    %put 2 second;
363    %demo3
364  %mend x;
365  %x
1 first
2 second
3 third

But if %demo1 is defined with a parameter list, the white space is not enough to end the macro call. And even the %PUT statement doesn't end the macro call. SAS keeps looking for a parameter list until it hits the call the %demo3, and realizes "well, that first macro call must be done." By then the %PUT statement has already executed.

366  %macro demo1(); %put 1 first; %mend;
367  %macro demo3; %put 3 third; %mend;
368  %macro x;
369    %demo1
370    %put 2 second;
371    %demo3
372  %mend x;
373  %x
2 second
1 first
3 third

As evidence, consider below. It looks like I'm passing the VAR parameter to %X (which has no parameters defined). But the invocation of %demo1 is still happily waiting for a parameter list, and it accepts it. This shows that the %PUT statement was not enough to end the invocation of %demo1.

404  %macro demo1(var=); %put 1 first; %put &=var ;%mend;
405  %macro x;
406    %demo1
407    %put 2 second;
408  %mend x;
409  %x(var=hello)
2 second
1 first

I have a hard time remembering all the rules that Ian Whitlock taught me, and sometimes fear attributing one to him which I am remembering incorrectly. But I'm pretty confident he believed all macros should have at least one parameter (his definition for a macro was 'a parameterized unit of code'), and that macro calls should always end with parentheses, even if it was a null list of parameters to accept the defaultes, i.e. %doit(). That ensures that the macro executes when expected, without adding a SAS language semicolon which can sometimes muck things up.


Just an idea: Have you tried putting semicolons after your macro calls? Missing semicolons usually poses some problems. Even though the macros may seem to run ok.


Is the code you provided, wrapped within a parent macro?

I was able to reproduce this behaviour, but ONLY within another macro.

Sample code:

%macro x;
  %macro demo1(); %put see;  %mend;
  %macro demo2(); %put this; %mend;
  %demo1          %put here; %demo2()

which prints:


Contrasting with:

%macro demo1(); %put see;  %mend;
%macro demo2(); %put this; %mend;
%demo1          %put here; %demo2()

Which prints:


This does indeed appear to be a parser bug, or at least - an inconsistency.

I suggest moving the child macro definitions outside the parent wrapper. I also recommend always defining macros with brackets, and invoking them as such.