
I am working on an application based on ASP.NET, running in IE11 and Chrome.

One part of the application makes use of (Telerik) RadEditor to create a layout of several items.

I can select (selection border shows up on all selected elements) multiple elements in the page (in the (Telerik) RadEditor content space) by holding control+clicking in IE11, but I cannot do the same in Chrome. In Chrome it just selects the last thing clicked.

Is there a way to multi-select like this in Chrome, or a reason it works in IE11 but not in Chrome?


1 Answers


The IE browser's execCommand method offers a MultipleSelection option which allows for the selection of more than one site selectable element at a time when the user holds down the SHIFT or CTRL keys. You can find more info at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/hh801232(v%3dvs.85)#multipleselection

To fire this method via the RadEditor API do:

editor.get_document().execCommand('MultipleSelection', true, true);

To get reference on the client object of RadEditor check this resource https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/editor/client-side-programming/getting-a-reference-to-radeditor