
I'm working on an Azure Data Factory V2 Pipeline but I having a problem when I try to execute a "Custom activity" inside an "If Condition Activity".

If I try to test my pipeline with "Test Run" button on the ADF's Web interface, this error appeare:

{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Activity PPL_ANYFBRF01 failed: Invalid linked service reference. Name: LNK_BATCH_AZURE","target"...}

I'm sure that there is no error in the linked service reference's name. If I create a "Custom Activity" directly in my pipeline, it's working.

I think it can be a syntax error on my activity but I can't find it.

Here is my "If Condition Activity"'s Json template (the expression "@equal(0,0)" is just for testing purpose):

    "name": "IfPointComptageNotExist",
    "type": "IfCondition",
    "dependsOn": [
            "activity": "PointComptage",
            "dependencyConditions": [
            "activity": "SousPointComptage",
            "dependencyConditions": [
    "typeProperties": {
        "expression": {
            "value": "@equal(0,0)",
            "type": "Expression"
        "ifTrueActivities": [
                "type": "Custom",
                "name": "CustomActivityTest",
                "linkedServiceName": {
                    "referenceName": "LNK_BATCH_AZURE",
                    "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
                "typeProperties": {
                    "command": "Batch.exe",
                    "resourceLinkedService": {
                        "referenceName": "LNK_BLOB_STORAGE",
                        "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
                    "folderPath": "/test/app/"

Thank you in advance for your help.

Did you manage to get it working? I've got exactly the same functionality, and in my case it does work.Simon Zeinstra
I've relaunch my pipeline and it's working now. I think it was a bug with the previous version of ADF (the old UI). Thank you for your reply :).Julien Bouillet

1 Answers


The problem is now solved. I have recreate the pipeline and it's working now.

