I am sending API requests with applications like Postman and Insomnia.
I can send a POST request with a Body that is form-data, so that it looks like
parameters:[{"fullname" : "John Smith", "username" : "jsmith", "email" : "jsmith@example.com", "password" : "s348nfdf"},{"fullname" : "Janine Smith", "username" : "jsmith1", "email" : "jsmith1@example.com", "password" : "ddfgret567"}]↵
And everything works, I can get the parameters from the request in the backend.
However, if I change the request to PUT, the body (parameters above) is not in the request ($_REQUEST). The request itself is successful with no error codes.
I have also tried x-www-form-urlencoded and raw JSON.
Why is the body (parameters) missing?
– Jonnix