
I created application-insight resource(e.g- appinsight) in azure and mapped one web-app (which is under one resource group) to that application-insight for testing. Now I have to remove application insight monitoring (unmap) for that web app from azure. I am not getting option to unmap application insight for that web-app. How to unmap?


2 Answers


From what I have been able to work out, when you link an App Insights account to a web app through the portal, the link is established using an app setting called APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY. If you look at your app settings you should see it there.

When I delete the APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY app setting from a test web app, the Application Insights section of the web app no longer shows the link, so that seems to work.


Now I have to remove application insight monitoring (unmap) for that web app from azure.

After you selected an application insight in application insight monitoring, you could click change>choose Restart automatically or Restart later>Continue button to achieve your goal. The related application insight would be removed from monitoring>application insight.
