
In Azure Portal > Key vaults > Secrets, I have secrets with json values (I did not create it). Something like:


"SubscriptionId": "XXXXXXX",
"BaseAuthUri": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/XXXXX/oauth/authorize?client_id="&api-version=

  • I would like to add another url value to it. How can I edit the secrets with Azure portal?

    • How the value of api-version set?



1 Answers


You can only change secret attributes such as expiration date, activation date. You cannot change secret's value programatically or via Azure Portal. If you want to update your secret without creating a new vault (meaning the secret identifier still remains intact) you can create a new version of the existing secret.

enter image description here

If the secret value contains the variables to get authorization code, you don't need api version because the URI you call is the authorization endpoint.