I am trying to retrieve the latest version of an artifact with the following query
Where :
- artifactory_domain - domain name of your artifactory.
- groupId - you can find it Artifact Repository Browser, please, look into a screen shot.
- artifactId -you can find it Artifact Repository Browser, please, look into a screenshot.
- Repo name where artifact persists.
which is assembled in accordance with the following documentation https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-ArtifactLatestVersionSearchBasedonLayout
However, it returns lastest in accordance with the alphabetical order. For example:
- 0.101.1
- 0.101.11
- 0.101.2
The query returns 0.101.2 despite the fact that there is version 0.101.11 already.
Is there any flag/option to retrieve the latest version based on the created date?