
I faced with issue when I'm trying to post Yammer praise via Yammer REST API.

Before starting to write a code i tried to Post Yammer praise using Postman. When I tried to use form-data option everything is fine and praise was created successfully from-data screenshot. Then i tried to use raw data(JSON) to post praise. Headers:

Authorization: Bearer #Token;

yammer-capabilities: external-messaging,external-groups(and i've tried "external-messaging,parsed-body-only2,user-sidebar,external-groups");

Content-Type: application/json

    "body": "test body",
    "group_id": #groupId,
    "message_type": "praise",
    "title": "test title",
    "praise": {
        "comment": "test comment",
        "icon": "thumbsup",
        "praised_user_ids": [#PraisedUserId]

and that is what i've got in response:

    "body": [
        "Please include a message"
    "code": "body_blank"

Can someone help me please with it? What JSON should it be to create praise via Yammer REST API


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