
I want to build my own authentication process using Claims based authentication in my ASP.net MVC project. I want to be able to use the Authorize attribute (including roles), for example [Authorize(Roles="admin")] and [Authorize(Roles="Frontenduser")] as I will have multiple types of users.

I don't want to use ASP.net identity as it does a bit too much than what I need. I also need totally different data to be stored for the different types of users.

I know I can inherit from the AuthorizeAttribute class but I am unsure how it all works with claims. So firstly, can anyone recommend a good package to use claims based authentication and secondly, how do I stop the Authorize attribute working with ASP.net Identity and get it to work with my custom claims based authentication? I have had a look at other questions and other solutions across the web but I cannot find a suitable explanation or solution.


1 Answers


You can Use Policy based Authorization. Identity is Authentication and different than authorization. For this you can make a policy in your startup class. This is an example of mine in the configure services. If you dont need Identity you can use JWT bearer tokens and just make a policy. get these packages from nuget:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;

      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

  //new policy makes [Authorize (Policy = "Your custom Policy")] availible by claims This is what you put on controllers
            services.AddAuthorization((options) => {
                options.AddPolicy("Your custom Policy", policybuilder =>
                    policybuilder.RequireClaim("role", "PayingUserExampleProperty");


in your configure


   public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

Good read into this:
