
We are trying to list all available sizes for particular location using the API "GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}/vmSizes?api-version=2017-12-01". It returns nearly 22400 sizes. Is it really contains this many sizes under some region? Is there any elegant way to get VM sizes based on type.

For Example:
    1. Get VM sizes based on General purpose, Memory optimized, Storage optimized etc.
    2. Get VM Sizes  based on RAM size, CPU count etc.
Do you mean by using the Azure Python SDK? I don't understand why this question is tag with python-2.7?juvchan
Yes. I need any way to get this by using Direct AzureRM API or Python SDK as well.sangeeth kumar
Example 1: This is not possible. General purpose, Memory optimized, Storage optimized This is just easy for you to find suitable VM. VM does not have this parameter.Shui shengbao
Example 2: This is also impossible.Shui shengbao

1 Answers


I used the sample posted by Laurent (link below) and it returned all available VM sizes' names, cores, disks, memory, etc. in the region (use parm location=region). If you put some code around it you should be able to do example 2.

Get Virtual Machine sizes list in json format using azure-sdk-for-python

def list_available_vm_sizes(compute_client, region = 'EastUS2', minimum_cores = 1, minimum_memory_MB = 768):
    vm_sizes_list = compute_client.virtual_machine_sizes.list(location=region)
    for vm_size in vm_sizes_list:
        if vm_size.number_of_cores >= int(minimum_cores) and vm_size.memory_in_mb >= int(minimum_memory_MB): 
            print('Name:{0}, Cores:{1}, OSDiskMB:{2}, RSDiskMB:{3}, MemoryMB:{4}, MaxDataDisk:{5}'.format(

list_available_vm_sizes(compute_client, region = 'EastUS', minimum_cores = 2, minimum_memory_MB = 8192)