I have vs 2013, 2015 and 2017 installed. I am building a powershell project for 2015 .NET 4.7.1 to do a very specific type of deployment. I am executing the following commands. $Configuration is either 'Release' or 'Debug'.
dotnet msbuild /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=$Configuration /p:Platform=x64
I keep getting the following error:
error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.4\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
That does NOT exist on disk.
Where do I get it?
It appears to be looking for .NET core, but my project is NOT .NET core. My project is .NET standard.
I also tried using /t (tools version) but no matter what I put, I get the same error.