I am trying to test that the property gets it's value from the return of a Service call, but I am having trouble mocking the service call.
Here is my property:
public ICountry Country
if (_country == null)
ICountryService countryService = new CountryService();
_country = countryService.GetCountryForCountryId(_address.CountryId);
return _country;
Here is my attempt at testing this:
public void Country_should_return_Country_from_CountryService()
const string countryId = "US";
_address.CountryId = countryId;
var address = MockRepository.GenerateStub<Address>(_address);
var country = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ICountry>();
var countryService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ICountryService>();
countryService.Stub(x => x.GetCountryForCountryId(countryId)).IgnoreArguments().Return(country);
Assert.AreEqual(address.Country, country);
I keep getting an error because the real countryService is being called, not my mock. I am using MsTest and Rhino Mocks. What am I doing wrong?