I have Active Directory On-Premise which syncs to my Azure AD instance using a connector.
Fields such as 'Other Mobile' and 'Other Telephone' are set to sync from On-Prem AD to Azure AD. (All users have these values populated)
However when querying using the Microsoft Graph i am unable to see these fields, this is the URL i am using (i can see the standard fields fine):
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/[USER ID HERE]
I have tried various queries but no luck. Is it even possible using the Graph API to see all fields that are on Azure AD for a user, including the ones synced from On-Prem AD? What other options do i have?
I have tried queries including '$select=otherMobile,otherTelephone' and also extensions
I have also tried the Azure AD graph explorer, however the user object does not contain these fields either: