
and thanks for the help. I've got a noob question, and need a noob answer.

Trying to email a specific google sheet as a pdf weekly, but script emails out whatever sheet happens to be open at the time.

Stole various snippets of code, here's what I've got: (And no, I don't think that this block of code was formatted and posted correctly.)

function endOfWK_1 () {

//This script converts all formulas to values in the currently displayed sheet, then converts the currently displayed sheet to a pdf, then emails the
pdf as an attachment to the addresses shown in cell B17 in the "Email" sheet.

//Replace all formulas in range "WK 1!A6:A29" with values

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('WK 1');
  var range = sheet.getRange("WK 1!A6:A29");

  range.copyTo(range, {contentsOnly: true});

  // FOR WK1 ONLY!!!

  // Set the Active Spreadsheet so we don't forget
  var originalSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

  // Set the message to attach to the email.
  var message = "Please see attached.";

  // Get Dates from Email!B5
  var period = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("Email!B5").getValues();

  // Construct the Subject Line
  var subject = period;

  // Get contact details from "Email" sheet and construct To: Header
  var contacts = originalSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("Email");
  var numRows = contacts.getLastRow();
  var emailTo = contacts.getRange(17, 2, numRows, 1).getValues();

    // Create a new Spreadsheet and copy the current sheet into it.
  var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export");
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var projectname = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  sheet = originalSpreadsheet.getActiveSheet();

  // Find and delete the default "Sheet1"

  // Create the PDF, currently called "Tracking Sheet.pdf"
  var pdf = DriveApp.getFileById(newSpreadsheet.getId()).getAs('application/pdf').getBytes();
  var attach = {fileName:'Tracking Sheet.pdf',content:pdf, mimeType:'application/pdf'};

  // Send the freshly constructed email 
  MailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, message, {attachments:[attach]});

  // Delete the sheet that was created

  // Write the date and time that the script ran
  var date = sheet.getRange('Statistics!A1').getValues();


This is a bound script, attached to a google workbook containing 5 sheets. My problem is that my script always emails the sheet that happens to be open at the time.

I want to email one specific sheet, whether the workbook is open or closed. How can I do this? (I hope to install a trigger to make this script run automatically.)

Also, anyone want to critique my code?

Thanks to all.

Which sheet are you trying to get the data from to create the PDF?Chris
I want this script to email sheet "WK1"user3279926

1 Answers


I've fixed it up a little and added some comments. There were a lot of little things I fixed up biggest thing was that you should reuse variables that you've created.

This hasn't been tested...

function endOfWK_1 () {

  //Replace all formulas in range "WK 1!A6:A29" with values

  var activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheetWK1 = activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('WK 1');
  var range = sheetWK1.getRange("WK 1!A6:A29");

  range.copyTo(range, {contentsOnly: true});

  // FOR WK1 ONLY!!!

  // Set the Active Spreadsheet so we don't forget
  var originalSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); //this should probably be changed depending on what sheet you are trying to access: activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('Email')

  // Set the message to attach to the email.
  var message = "Please see attached.";

  // Get Dates from Email!B5
  var period = originalSpreadsheet.getRange("Email!B5").getValues();

  // Construct the Subject Line
  var subject = period;

  // Get contact details from "Email" sheet and construct To: Header
  var contacts = originalSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("Email");
  var numRows = contacts.getLastRow();
  var emailTo = contacts.getRange(17, 2, numRows, 1).getValues();

  // Create a new Spreadsheet and copy the current sheet into it.
  var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export"); //Create a spreadsheet to copy to
  // var originalSheet = activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("WK1");  Already defined above as sheetWK1

  //var projectname = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); Seems like this is not used.

  sheetWK1.copyTo(newSpreadsheet); //Take the original sheet and copy it to the newSpreadsheet

  // Find and delete the default "Sheet1"
  newSpreadsheet.deleteSheet(newSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("Sheet1")); //We can just call the deleteSheet method.

  // Create the PDF, currently called "Tracking Sheet.pdf"
  var pdf = newSpreadsheet.getAs('application/pdf').getBytes(); //No need to get the Spreadsheet object again, as we alreat have it!
  var attach = {fileName: 'Tracking Sheet.pdf', content: pdf, mimeType: 'application/pdf'};

  // Send the freshly constructed email 
  MailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, message, {attachments:[attach]});

  // Delete the sheet that was created
  newSpreadsheet.setTrashed(true); //Again no need to find the object. We have it.

  // Write the date and time that the script ran
  var date = sheet.getRange('Statistics!A1').getValues();


The main issue was var originalSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); you are getting the active sheet and using that to create you pdf.

EDIT: I've cleaned up the whole thing a little and ended up with this. It hasn't been tested.

function endOfWK_1 () {
 //Replace all formulas in range "WK 1!A6:A29" with values

  var activeSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheetWK1 = activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('WK 1');
  var emailSheet = activeSpreadsheet.getSheetByName("Email");

  var range = sheetWK1.getRange("WK 1!A6:A29");
  range.copyTo(range, {contentsOnly: true});

  // FOR WK1 ONLY!!!

  // Set the message to attach to the email.
  var message = "Please see attached.";

  // Get Dates from Email!B5
  var period = emailSheet.getRange("Email!B5").getValues();

  // Construct the Subject Line
  var subject = period;

  // Get contact details from "Email" sheet and construct To: Header
  var numRows = emailSheet.getLastRow();
  var emailTo = emailSheet.getRange(17, 2, numRows, 1).getValues();

  // Create a new Spreadsheet and copy the current sheet into it.
  var newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Spreadsheet to export");


  // Find and delete the default "Sheet1"

  // Create the PDF, currently called "Tracking Sheet.pdf"
  var pdf = newSpreadsheet.getAs('application/pdf').getBytes();
  var attach = {fileName: 'Tracking Sheet.pdf', content: pdf, mimeType: 'application/pdf'};

  // Send the freshly constructed email 
  MailApp.sendEmail(emailTo, subject, message, {attachments:[attach]});

  // Delete the sheet that was created

  // Write the date and time that the script ran
  var date = activeSpreadsheet.getRange('Statistics!A1').getValues();
