
We have a site were trusted users can add some Javascript tracking code into a text box for submitting, so naturally we have turned off Validation by adding the ValidateRequest="false" into the Page Directive.

However it we seem to be getting the error again all of a sudden : A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client , Now we cant add ValidateRequest="false" into the Config or the Master page this page inherits from. So how do I allow Javascript to be posted, what is overridding the ValidateRequest?

We are using .Net 3.5

once you add validaterequest=false to a page you will not get the error on that page. maybe your code is redirecting to another page after submit and that page is throwing this error. Kindly check.Pankaj Kumar
Probably didn't understand it well.Aristos

1 Answers


Probably something else, not the Page, is triggering the error due to the breaking changes made in the framework.. if you can't edit the web.config I fear you're pretty much stuck.