I'm creating a qt project using QT-CREATOR and VS c++ compiler on windows OS,
the .pro file:
mainwindow.h \
myqglwidget.h \
My_CGAL_Config.h \
My_Vertex_base.h \
My_Halfedge_base.h \
My_Face_base.h \
Viewer.cpp \
mainwindow.cpp \
myqglwidget.cpp \
INCLUDEPATH += C:/dev/CGAL-4.9/auxiliary/gmp/include
INCLUDEPATH += C:/dev/CGAL-4.9/include
INCLUDEPATH += C:/local/boost_1_59_0
INCLUDEPATH += C:/dev/libQGLViewer-2.7.1/QGLViewer
LIBS += -LC:/dev/CGAL-4.9/lib
LIBS += -LC:/local/boost_1_59_0/lib
LIBS += -LC:/dev/libQGLViewer-2.7.1/QGLViewer -lQGLViewer2
'qglviewer.h','config.h' are in specified folders (C:/dev/libQGLViewer-2.7.1/QGLViewer , C:\dev\CGAL-4.9\include\CGAL) Respectively, so I think that the problem in warning message "The build directory needs to be at the same level as the source directory."
the compile output message :
Error while building/deploying project dr_mine (kit: Desktop Qt 5.7.1 MSVC2013 64bit)
The kit Desktop Qt 5.7.1 MSVC2013 64bit has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.
When executing step "Make"
I appreciate any help , thanks