
I want to use the curve fitting toolbox to model my day which consists of two vectors, time and measurement. Here is a screenshot of my data file (I will use time and DOWN only). enter image description here

How do I feed the time vector as my x vector in the toolbox? It's currently datetime type vector and I can't find it in my list when I select my variables, what is the right format to use?


1 Answers


Here is my excel sample (I reduced the amount of observations a little bit, but this won't affect the final outcome):

DATE        TIME        DOWN
---------   ----------  -----
1/27/2018   8:00:03 PM  5,375
1/27/2018   8:00:06 PM  5,375
1/27/2018   8:00:10 PM  5,375
1/27/2018   8:00:13 PM  5,375
1/27/2018   8:00:17 PM  5,375
1/27/2018   8:00:20 PM  4,855
1/27/2018   8:00:27 PM  4,855
1/27/2018   8:00:31 PM  4,855
1/27/2018   8:00:35 PM  4,855
1/27/2018   8:00:38 PM  4,855

I usually prefer to use the readtable function together with tweaked import options as follows:

opts = detectImportOptions('data.xlsx');
opts.VariableTypes = {'datetime' 'datetime' 'double'};
data = readtable('data.xlsx',opts);

The data variable will then be parsed as follows:

DATE (datetime)         TIME (datetime)         DOWN (double)
----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:03'  5,37500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:06'  5,37500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:10'  5,37500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:13'  5,37500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:17'  5,37500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:20'  4,85500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:27'  4,85500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:31'  4,85500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:35'  4,85500000000000
'27-Jan-2018 00:00:00'  '31-Dec-1899 20:00:38'  4,85500000000000

As you can see, when the time is not defined it is defaultized to 00:00:00; the same goes for the date, which is defaultized to 31-Dec-1899. Since the reference date is static and never changes, in my opinion the best thing to do is to merge the first two columns of your table in order to produce coherent datenum values to use as X Data (datetime variables cannot be used in the Curve Fitting Toolbox, you have to convert them to serial format):

[y,m,d] = ymd(data.DATE);
[h,mn,s] = hms(data.TIME);
x = datenum(y,m,d,h,mn,s)

x =

The values to be used as Y Data in the cftool can instead be extracted directly from the data column DOWN:

y = data.DOWN;