(I posted this same question at the R forum on talkstats.com and on a ggplot2 forum.)
In cell biology, people often publish images in which one protein is labeled green and a second protein is labeled red, and then they show an image of the green protein only, then the red protein only, and then a "merge" to show where both proteins are present. The merge ends up showing mostly green where only protein 1 is, mostly red where only protein 2 is, and yellow where they both are, and you can see gradients where there are increasing levels of protein 2 in a background of constant protein 1, etc. I want to do the same sort of thing with ggplot, with the x and y axis showing locations of two measurements and the intensity of color indicating the magnitude of the measurement. In the attached example, measurements 1 and 2 are similar over most of x and y coordinates, but measurement 1 is a bit higher from y axis 50 to 100 and measurement 2 is a bit higher from y axis 75 to 125. In my example, graph1 gives me what I want (albeit in blue rather than red), but then I show an unsuccessful "graph2" in which measurements 2 simply overwrite measurements 1.
I hope that with the attached script, this confusing question becomes more clear. Can anyone tell me how to make the desired merge of two different colors (ideally red for 1 and green for the other)? (Any constructive criticism of the somewhat ugly way in which I've created the data frame would also be welcome.)
enter code here
# merging two different colors with ggplot2 geom_point plot
x <- seq(1,100)
y <- seq(1,250)
z <- integer(length(x) * length(y))
df <- data.frame('x_coordinate' = rep(x, times = length(y)),
'y_coordinate' = rep(y, each = length(x)),
'z_coordinate1' = z,
'z_coordinate2' = z)
df[,3] <- sample(1:100, length(df[,3]), replace = TRUE)
df[,4] <- sample(1:100, length(df[,3]), replace = TRUE)
for (i in 1:100) {
df[df[,1] == i & df[,2] > 50 & df[,2] <= 100,3] <- sample(25:125, 50)
df[df[,1] == i & df[,2] > 75 & df[,2] <= 125,4] <- sample(25:125, 50)
# graph 1:
ggplot(data = df,
mapping = aes(x = x_coordinate, y = y_coordinate, color = z_coordinate1)) +
geom_point(size = 0.2)
# unsuccessful graph2:
ggplot(data = df,
mapping = aes(x = x_coordinate, y = y_coordinate, color = z_coordinate1)) +
geom_point(size = 0.2) +
geom_point(data = df,
mapping = aes(x = x_coordinate, y = y_coordinate, color = z_coordinate2),
size = 0.2)